Monday, September 5, 2011

Our new camera

I haven't been feeling like myself lately, but I thought I would try to post on here anyway. :c) 
Well, as you may have noticed from my recent pictures ,and videos, that our camera was needing an upgrade. So my husband went out and bought a nice new one. It's a Nikon D3100, and it's really cool! I just can't seem to figure everything out on it yet. I'm not sure I ever will either, my husband has decided to attach it to his face permanently,lol.  As you can see on the pictures below, the images are clear and pretty, and the video quality is also clear, you can actually tell what's going on (I will post a video later). I am so excited to be able to use this for school, basketball games, and other fun filled activities. Well I'm off to rest..Have a blessed day all! :c)

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